
Heat-treated aluminum profiles online technical parameters

Aluminum Alloys extrusion die to leave through three stages, namely close to quenching, quenching and cooling to ambient temperature after quenching , in order to prevent undesired precipitation of a second phase , is about to enter the cooling device profiles (quenching zone) the temperature must be in the above solvus temperature . The cooling rate of the cooling device and the cooling contact time should be sufficient to obtain the desired components of a supersaturated solid solution , the final properties of the product meets the requirements . Requirements extrusion die to quench zone distance should be as small as possible , ie to try to quench transfer time shorter .

Extrusion line can be quenched alloy has the following features :

( 1 ) having a structural applications in accordance with the tensile strength properties ;

( 2 ) low quench sensitivity , can be a variety of different products using forced air cooling section without using water quenching ;

( 3 ) alloy solid solution between the line and the solidus temperature range, easy to control the outlet temperature of the desired products, the solution temperature range ;

( 4 ) use air cooling material has sufficient toughness ;

( 5 ) extruding the solution temperature at the low deformation resistance , to minimize the deformation energy and synthesis temperature , allowing to obtain a higher extrusion speed

