The foil strip rolled into a variety of semi-finished and finished products in the process , and in the finishing foil , annealing , transport, packaging and other processes in the production process , inevitably there will be some defects. The generation of these defects , in part, ingot casting defects strip itself sometimes the injection ingot casting process can be exposed , and sometimes can not be found , and in the subsequent further processing to exposure ; another part is in foil rolling , finishing , annealing , transport, packaging and other processes generated in the production process .
These defects generation is largely due to equipment failure , mishandling , improper adjustment of process parameters , the operator unskilled and various other causes. Production process of the aluminum foil , aluminum foil quality defects caused many species, mainly a large number of pinholes, the thickness tolerance, poor flatness , belt for various reasons , to reduce these defects , to improve the quality of the foil material is useful significance .
State in a thin Al Foil rolling , the thickness uniformity of the material , the rolling speed, tension , rolling oil is very sensitive to various defects in the most critical solution belt and pinholes , especially high speed rolling is more important. Belt and pinholes quality billet aluminum foil produced with extremely close .
Casting , hot rolling billet inclusions in the airway , the process of rolling metal and non-metallic pressure on people , rub , scratch and uneven thickness of aluminum foil rolling and so give cause great difficulties caused by broken belt , pinhole , the thickness of ultra- poor . And that these defects affect each other , thinner aluminum pinhole more quiet , the more likely the more pinholes belt , belt and more, rolling up speed in the head and tail must have been part of the foil thickness tolerance.